Today’s previously scheduled fashion-y post, (It involves pictorials of my wardrobe. It’s going to be awesome, trust me), will simply have to be bumped to Monday. I’ve been infected tapped by the fetching Clotilde of Chocolate and Zucchini for my first meme!
It’s a game called Music in My Kitchen that has been going around in the food blogging world. Don’t misapprehend, I’m a foodie at heart (as Clotilde knows), but at first I was afraid I’d have to forfeit, given that I DON’T HAVE A KITCHEN. Then, my sister reminded me that it’s all in the presentation, n’est-ce pas? By her reasoning, I shouldn’t say “don’t have,” but rather, “happens to include.”
My sister's pitch sounds something like this, “Coquette's kitchen happens to include a shower.” And here I was all the while thinking I have a college refrigerator and a hot plate IN MY BATHROOM. My sister should truly consider a career in real estate.
Okay, on y va?
What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
Practically rien. It’s all on the iPod (thank you, Santa).
What is the last CD you bought?
Manu Chao’s Clandestino.
What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
I had just been jogging in the Jardin du Luxembourg. My private joy (private, up until now) is working out to the a cappella stylings of a group from my little sister’s university. You see, I find their upbeat “Wamp, wamp, chhh, digga diggah,” man-made percussion just the perfect thing to keep me going. I envision these guys bobbing their pimply heads from side to side and snapping their earnest little fingers, and for some reason, it makes me want to sprint. Sweet Home, Alabama--THE A CAPPELLA VERSION. THE BEST RUNNING TOOL A GIRL CAN HAVE.
Write down 5 songs you often listen to, or that mean a lot to you.
1. Every early Paul Simon song. I am a whore for good lyrics.
2. Joni Mitchell’s River. Is she trying. to. break. my. heart? Yes.
3. Barenaked Ladies’ Brian Wilson. I challenge anyone not to get goosebumps listening to the voice of chubby lead-singer, Steven Page, live in concert. Plus, hello, they have a chubby lead singer! Who does that? Furthermore, let it be known that I think Steven Page is S.E.X.Y., and I totally want him to be my valentine.
4. Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. Because it gets everyone on the dance floor.
5. Dave Matthews Band’s Crash. I know, I know, conventional wisdom says: DAVE MATTHEWS SUCKS, MAN. But I was a 16-year-old girl when this came out? I CAN’T HELP IT.
Apologies for the walk down dorkity-lane. Redemption time: In my “kitchen” these days, you’re most likely to hear Belle & Sebastian, The Flaming Lips, The Shins, Coldplay, and Interpol. Especially now that I have that rug. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, MADAME L? Good.
Who are you going to pass this stick to (three persons) and why?
Pismire because she’s a Chicagoan and I love me some polite Mid-westernerners (No, please! After you). Gloria from L’Absurdité because she is a samurai shopper (do I really need to explain why I dig that?) and Jecca because she owns The Fact Checker’s Bible. Yes, there is something that exists called The Fact Checker’s Bible, and I sort of want one, too. Why do I keep admitting these things?