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    Wow, really beautiful. The photos make me really want to take a bath and then get into that gorgeous comfy bed. Love the birdcage with the fairy figurine. Really sweet idea.

    Oh la la... Badroom is really fantastic!


    toulousain real estate= much more "abordable" than parisian...

    Really? "Badroom"?

    pretty incrdible...i'd say....but when you have taste, this is what you get.

    Lovely. I'm jealous. I don't suppose she has rampaging children and toddlers tho'. Or maybe she keeps them in the wrought-iron cage.

    Such a gorgeous place! Covetable, indeed.

    OMG that's amazing. I adore it, it's so completely European! *sigh

    Such a pretty space.

    Scary elegant..
    bare walls too
    Are peeps allowed?

    wonderful! I added your blog on my last post, french award, ciao from Italy, Stef

    wow. just beautiful!

    it's ok. like a number of other apts i've seen in paris. nothing so sensational, sorry.

    it's ok. like a number of other apts i've seen in paris. nothing so sensational, sorry.

    Such a pretty place. Apartments in paris are like none other.

    The pace is wonderful. Everyting in it could be discarded without noticeable effect.

    Lovely photos make me insanely jealous. I envision you sneaking around her place with a camera when no one was looking. fantastic.

    beautiful! I want to live there!

    it looks like they couldn't affford to furnish it? its a beautiful space but not well done at all-really cheap and slap shod

    loved!!! hahhah n i already hate u because u simply live in PARIS while im dreamin to!!!

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