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    I am loving those paintings!! the eggs are beautiful. I remember how much trouble eggs gave me in photography class...your aunt has perfected them!

    My dear Elisabeth, greetings from another farm far,far away. I loved reading about your aunt Marie-Line Fourmount and her art and would love to know more about her daily life. Please have her come visit my art blog too. As an unabashed Francophile, I am happy to have found your blog.

    You have a very talented aunt! I guess it runs in the those paintings! Thanks for sharing!

    Your aunt is a wonderful artist. I really enjoyed those paintings! Very lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.

    oh my goodness she does wonderful paintings!
    i hope to have a marvelous past time like that one day as well

    Aw how beautiful! A nice little fame connection. I ADORE the tea cup one. Not only because I love teacups but because I love the pastels!

    Hi...Your article really got me thinking man..... an intelligent piece ,I must say.

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