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    Frankly, I think there's now going to be an large increase in young male French foreign exchange students to this university.

    Those "where the hell am I?@@#!" parties are the best. The more alien you feel the better, it makes for better stories... I do try to limit those kinds of experiences to a few a year though.

    I love your weblog!

    Hmmm. Not missing frat parties at ALL after reading this ;) (but i do miss my art history classes!!)

    Only in America do we benefit from such a blessed freedom to party in our panties.

    Ah, a PJ party! We did a couple of these in law school - it was the highlight of the year. Only difference was that the guy with his nuts hanging out was 30, not 20. Really, no one needs to see that.

    Oh gosh. I was going to host one in college, but make it girls only so that the guys could only IMAGINE the shenanigans we were up to. We would say that we were in little negligees having pillow fights, when in reality we'd be in real pajamas watching chick flicks. Unfortunately, I never got around to throwing it.

    I feel old...but happily so...

    now really, someone needs to explain to these kids the difference between an underwear party and a pajama party! maybe those girls were on their way to an underwear party until they realized that the squeeze was obviously where it was "happening." thaaat explains it.

    "Interpretive dance with a balloon." So that's what they're calling it these days....

    a) I miss college... and I don't. Thanks for the reminder of the things I don't want to revisit. :)

    b) Woah, your sister looks like Mandy Moore!

    I want to study. again.

    neil, and even older ones :)

    i agree with ElizabethB, I miss college, sometimes for the things that I wouldn't want to revisit. But were fun at the time.

    Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.

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