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    Awwww, I sympathize with you. Travellind from place to place like that can really suck when it's winter. The dress sounds really pretty!

    Sorry to hear about the ice-capade, but glad you're doing well in Chi-town. Watch those slippery patches!

    I hope you keep enjoying your work and time back in the good ole U S of A (minus the slip)! We wouldn't mind keeping you in Chicago for awhile!

    Wow Coquette...why would anybody hate you for living in France? I just found your blog and find it very good (and up to date!). I also love your description under "About this Site". That alone is worth the visit!

    Oh, the OC! I cannot wait to be back home for Christmas.

    The weather has finally turned wintery in Chicago! Thank God I say! I rather prefer it this way. Except for the whole finding weather appropriate shoes that one can walk in. The trials of being a Chicago fashionista huh?

    Almost Girl

    Ooh, hope you're going to be posting pictures of the dress!

    this story is just awfully cute...

    Texas? Sea foam green?? Eeee!!

    I hope ya'ain't gonna come back without no pictures!

    If it makes you feel any better, my fashionista ass froze off yesterday at the Bears-Packers game. I too conceal ice-bruises beneath a lovely Burberry cropped jacket today. It gets better, tea in the Marshall Field's Walnut room helps.

    Here's hoping that that Texas wedding involves a family reunion!

    Please Chicago Winter Ice Gods, be merciful on our beloved Coquette's Barney's-draped ass.

    lucky you to have so many friends who let you crash with them! if you ever run out (unlikely), I love these people: ;) bonne chance!

    You go girl! (I don't know, it just seemed appropriate.)

    I, too, would couch surf if it meant I could do an ounce of shopping at Barney's. Glad to hear you're having fun!

    wide grocery store aisles? what are those! if it wasn't for my recent i-tunes/desperate housewives discover I would be in a complete bout of americana-homesickness! Enjoy the land of water fountains and styrofoam to-go containers and keep reminding me these things that are lacking in Europe!

    Do you watch Reunion, too?

    I love Sean Faris. He is my life.

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