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    This still doesn't explain why the fence needs to be fixed before - Oh, the horror!

    hehe, reading something as hilarious as this on your blog always makes my day.

    Aw, you're dad sounds so sweet. My mother is Filipino and after 30 years of being in the US I still have a hard time understanding her sometimes. Love ya mom!

    Book idea!

    Misunderstandings with my father/mother . . .


    I started reading your blog a few months ago, and really enjoy it. I thought I would tell you that Napoleon is famous! I saw him (it?) in the December issue of Easyjet magazine yesterday.

    i hear you on that, my grandfather has lived in Ireland his entire life and when ever we talk i can hardly make out a word. but i guess thats what makes him so darn cute.

    I think you need to remind your dad that Santa Claus comes through the chimney, not the fence. He doesn't have to bother with it at all.

    We're related. We must be, because we share the same father!

    I'm French myself, but some elderly people have such a heavy accent in Corse sometimes, I just can't get what they say... !

    Well at least you know that you have lots of FANS here at your blog! Very good!

    So cute!! And does he make fun of you for your accent in French?

    Aha--so your father is Inspector Clouseau? :-)
    I always loved those movies with his ridiculous pseudo-French accent and the way people got so confused.
    I am big FANS of Inspector Clouseau--and your father!
    The Cheesy One

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