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    I don't understand why you wouldn't say someone is nice or sweet if you like them. Those are the kind of things that baffle, mystify and bamboozle me about the French. (New words for Jeanne!)

    ...and pardonnez-moi but Brad's rear was the Climax of the film! Well, it was for me anyway. :)

    OOOPS! Double post. Please erase one, it :)

    I am surprised that Mlle Jeanne does not share your tact. But then she's not the one blogging, is she? "Nice" stays in.

    "Unhip" has always struck me as a very graceless word. Why not "hipless"?

    That word will forever make me think of a bunch of Alanis Morisettes singing in a car, using the word incorrectly. La la la...

    Here's the deal.
    When you say that a girl is nice in French (in language and culturally) - elle est gentille, it is most often used ironically, and NOT considered complimentary. Perhaps that is why your cousin was so surprised. This language thing is a lot more than just words!

    I had the pleasure of meeting you and Jeanne and I must say that this post resonnates even better. Put a big smile on my face :)

    I agree. Saying someone is nice is almost like saying they have the personality of a glass of water. There's more effective ways of illustrating character, non?

    I theenk I wood like deez Jeanne.

    So Jeanne IS French (yes sorry, I haven't read everything from the start...),looking at the pics, I would have sworn a 100% that she was american... gosh, I don't often mistake usually...

    100%, born and raised. Her dad and my dad are brothers, but my father married an American (my mom). Funny huh? You can't always tell...

    Don't think I agree about "gentille". It's something you say for want of anything more specifically enthusiastic, yes, but not actually disdainful in my opinion.

    The real compliment, of course, is to be referred to as "cowly owl" (vachement chouette)!

    I too add a common nicety to posts just to let people know I mean things in a friendly way. In person I'd be smiling, so you'd know. But I've learned that on the 'Net, things are not always so clear. I say "keep the nice!"

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    They were the best in the world and it was a perfect balance because the core of the team was Italian.

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