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    « "I don't want that thing I like about you to change" | Main | Confucious say, Man who watches dog for living wind up with wet duvet »


    I think you need to change those rubber labels to read "blog star"...just to see if anyone would notice...

    Can't wait to see your fall wardrobe.

    AND I'm counting down the days for your 'reportage' of the shows!! whooo-hoooo!!!

    Yipee for Chuck's!

    I have been living in mine for a week now. I may have to get another pair now... but what color?

    My pink ones are always in the closet!

    Converse are great, and I envy you for being able to wear them.

    I myself, being a size 10 US/41 European, have the sentiment of wearing skis when I put a pair of them on.

    I feel like a better version of myself when I look down and see my dirty chuck tailors poking out from the cuffs of my denim jeans.

    I love my Chucks.

    the best pair I ever had - black and white gingham - bought back in '92 in the Village..I lost them when I moved out of my house.

    Wearing red sneakers automatically makes you cool. Red glasses even more so. Red, fuzzy sweaters - not so much.

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