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    I Wanna Be Your Dog -Iggy Pop

    So messed up
    I want you here
    In my room
    I want you here
    Now we're gonna be
    And I'll lay right down
    In my favorite place

    And now I wanna
    Be your dog
    Now I wanna
    Be your dog
    Now I wanna
    Be your dog
    Well c'mon

    Now I'm ready
    To close my eyes
    And now I'm ready
    To close my mind
    And now I'm ready
    To feel your hand
    And lose my heart
    On the burning sands

    And now I wanna
    Be your dog
    And now I wanna
    Be your dog
    Now I wanna
    Be your dog
    Well c'mon

    Maybe it was his way of showing you how much he just cannot do without you, sort of a codependant love thingy.

    And I'm sure you petted him and guiltily said "it was alright" what he did. You women are always suckers for a cute-looking dog.

    the worst is when you step in doggie pee with your bare feet and you can't even enjoy screaming fuck because he's giving you the sweet what did i do doe eyed look

    Time for rubber sheets. C'est marrant!

    Having had a few dogs over my lifetime, all I can say is, yeah, they occasionally do this. Especially the clingy breeds. And the one thing to make you feel better about it is to let loose a torrent of foul obscenities in the same cuddly voice that you'd say "good boy."

    "Yes, you are a little *********** ************, yes you are! Oh, yes you are!"

    You don't even want to KNOW what 'present' we found at home left by our lab after 2 days in NYC. Let's just put it this way... my boyfriend needed a SHOVEL to clean it up! Eeeeewwww!!!

    hahaha, gross. but yeah, the cute ones get away with everything.

    "Herd of oompa loompas"

    I love it.

    And if they weren't so cute and adorable, I agree, you wouldn't put up with it.

    Now me, I have this toy little white dog which a friend bought me as I can't have dogs in my apt. While it doesn't do tricks, it does come when you call it, and doesn't need to be fed or watched over. It's great.

    Well, it could be worse Coquette---I was dog sitting once and found the little mut proudly peeing *into* my unpacked suitcase! Final confirmation that I am *not* a dog person.

    As a fellow "clothes whore" I am sure you can relate to the pain ;)

    kennels. new mattress.

    Ha! read this just after I came home from having dinner with a friend to find baxter had left a puddle on the hallway rug to protest my absence.

    I always have a can of rug spray on hand to deal with such accidents-on-purpose, which happen with alarming frequency...

    one time he got so mad he went through my purse, found a tube of lipgloss, and chewed right through it-- then strewed the lipgloss carcass across my white duvet cover.

    such a considerate little dog...

    I once had a dog rip up an entire foam mattress when I left her alone for two whole hours. I think she sensed that I was going to the beach without her and was not Having Any Of It.

    the dog has a POTATO toy?!? i didn't know such a thing existed!

    A propos de rien:

    Coquettes are, but too rare. It is a career that requires great abilities, infinite pains, a gay and airy spirit. 'T is the coquette who provides all the amusements,--suggests the riding-party, plans the picnic, gives and guesses charades, acts them. She is the stirring element amid the heavy congeries of social atoms,--the soul of the house, the salt of the banquet.
    - Benjamin Disraeli

    Ain't it the truth. ;)

    That's "Confucius".

    hahaha i liked it :)

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