Noticing that your morning coffee tastes off, you check your milk's expiration date and see that what you have purchased is not your normal half-fat milk, but lait ribot--fermented milk. (Which happens to have the same blue cap as my normal brand; merci Monoprix for placing them right next to each other.)
Even the 50% of my tastebuds that come from France, the part that say, "Psshaw, you call zat stinky cheese?," officially recoiled in disgust.
Since you have lait ribot, you should try a traditional dish from Brittany.
Dip a "galette" (salty crepe- just in case) in a bowl full of lait ribot and eat with a big spoon!!! It's great!!!
Posted by: Magabe | 09 May 2005 at 04:34 PM
Yes! I tried that when I was younger and it was too sour, but now I'm sure I'd love the combo.
In fact, I like the lait ribot now...just not in my expresso :)
Posted by: Coquette | 09 May 2005 at 04:41 PM
Sugar cookies, potato pancakes, and now "salty crepes" - just exactly how many dishes are called "galette"?
Posted by: R J Keefe | 09 May 2005 at 05:11 PM
My understanding was that galette referred to any kind of round carbohydrate. No?
Posted by: EasyJetsetter | 09 May 2005 at 06:24 PM
hello, nice weblog. only a think: why dont you write in french idiom?
take a look to my own and tell me what do u think about.
Posted by: 100tek | 09 May 2005 at 07:01 PM
Call me a stupid foreigner, but I thought the French always drank whole milk. What's this half fat milk deal?
Posted by: meg | 09 May 2005 at 07:18 PM
ah, so i have to fly to france now to get buttermilk? i can no longer find it here in town...
Posted by: brando | 09 May 2005 at 10:06 PM
*shudders* this has happened to me!
Posted by: flare | 10 May 2005 at 10:08 AM
Meg, the milk I usually buy is somewhere between 1.5 and 1.8% fat. Half the fat of whole milk, lait entier, at 3.5%. (And yes, a lot of people only drink whole, whereas I rarely even see lait maigre,.3%, as an option.)
In the US, I would choke on 2% milk, but I realize my "demi" is rather closer to 2% than anything else. Soon, skim will be tasting like water!
Did I mention that my french uncle owns a dairy farm? Jeanne will of course consider nothing other than lait entier. Mmmmm, milk.
Posted by: Coquette | 10 May 2005 at 06:23 PM
Oh how I DO miss my skim...
Posted by: sammy | 10 May 2005 at 07:23 PM
I use that lait fermenté stuff for lots of stuff... cakes (chocolate cake!), cooking, in place of mayo when I make my egg salad, mashed potatoes... but I would never ever ever drink it straight, or with coffee or tea. I don't french people do either. Unless they're some vague throwbacks to the medieval age.
but I might try it with hot chocolate one day... don't spaniards have something similar... a sour hot chocolate?
btw, nice score on the shoes... biatch!
Posted by: nardac | 10 May 2005 at 08:37 PM
At least you're a stupid foreigner with GREAT shoes !;)
Where I come from, galette and lait fermenté are called " the meal of the poor."
Note: nardac, I know the Aztecs used to drink cocoa mixed with the blood of someone who had just been sacrificed (and boiled water.) But I assume it's not what you're referring to :)
Posted by: Peppermint | 11 May 2005 at 06:42 PM
Yes, Nardac, the Spaniards do indeed have "sour" hot chocolate. The best hot chocolate in the world is from Spain, I believe. There are all kinds of varieties: with cinnamon (yum!), with very very dark chocolate, mixed with spices other than cinnamon (which is the most common, I think), mixed with white chocolate... Quite yummy, especially in winter, even if the winters here aren't very hard to endure at all. The two places to drink it that I like best here in Barcelona are Cacao Sampaka and Valor (this store can be found all over Spain).
Posted by: Marie in Barcelona | 16 May 2005 at 07:25 PM
I definitely *need* to go to Spain ! :D
Posted by: Peppermint | 18 May 2005 at 10:18 PM
When I saw the foot of La Coquette,I'm thinking about my girl.
Why? Me diriez-vous ? Because they seem to spend the same amount of money in shoes. My girl's really mad u know ...
Elle s'achète en moyenne une paire de chaussure par semaine, qu'elle va mettre une fois la semaine de l'achat, puis ptet' bien 3 mois après, encore une fois. Je pense qu'un jour, elle rivalisera peut-être avec la femme de cet ancien dictateur asiatique, heu ... je pense que son nom etait Marcos. Sa femme possédait des milliers de paires de shoes. Quant à la mienne, son bureau est orné de chaussures bien visibles sur tout le pourtour de la pièce. Elles siégent fièrement sur les étagères et/ou sont posé (habilement) sur la tranche des armoires. Il faut absolument qu’elles soient bien visibles pour sans doute regonfler le capital énergie de ma copine. Je crois que ma copine est une pseudo-fétichiste, du moins c’est ce dont je l’accuse.
J’ai déjà pu voir d’ailleurs des photos sur son pc, qu’elle avait dû prendre en douce, où on la voit chaussée, déchaussée, vernissé et vice-versa. Je me suis alors dit, tient voilà quelque chose que tu ne connaissais pas d’elle. Pour moi part, je ne suis pas atteint de la panard addiction, il faut dire que mes pieds ne sont guère reluisant au vu des coups de soleil qu’ils endurent quotidiennement, je n’ai au bas mot que 3 paires de godasses, aucune véritablement sexy, il faut dire que je dois être un peu à la masse, ben oui …Je pensais jusqu’à ce jour que les pieds ne servaient qu’à marcher …
Posted by: Cimendef | 26 June 2005 at 08:26 AM
When I saw the foot of La Coquette,I'm thinking about my girl.
Why? Me diriez-vous ? Because they seem to spend the same amount of money in shoes. My girl's really mad u know ...
Elle s'achète en moyenne une paire de chaussure par semaine, qu'elle va mettre une fois la semaine de l'achat, puis ptet' bien 3 mois après, encore une fois. Je pense qu'un jour, elle rivalisera peut-être avec la femme de cet ancien dictateur asiatique, heu ... je pense que son nom etait Marcos. Sa femme possédait des milliers de paires de shoes. Quant à la mienne, son bureau est orné de chaussures bien visibles sur tout le pourtour de la pièce. Elles siégent fièrement sur les étagères et/ou sont posé (habilement) sur la tranche des armoires. Il faut absolument qu’elles soient bien visibles pour sans doute regonfler le capital énergie de ma copine. Je crois que ma copine est une pseudo-fétichiste, du moins c’est ce dont je l’accuse.
J’ai déjà pu voir d’ailleurs des photos sur son pc, qu’elle avait dû prendre en douce, où on la voit chaussée, déchaussée, vernissé et vice-versa. Je me suis alors dit, tient voilà quelque chose que tu ne connaissais pas d’elle. Pour moi part, je ne suis pas atteint de la panard addiction, il faut dire que mes pieds ne sont guère reluisant au vu des coups de soleil qu’ils endurent quotidiennement, je n’ai au bas mot que 3 paires de godasses, aucune véritablement sexy, il faut dire que je dois être un peu à la masse, ben oui …Je pensais jusqu’à ce jour que les pieds ne servaient qu’à marcher …
Posted by: Cimendef | 26 June 2005 at 08:28 AM
Food historians say the Greeks and Romans ate mixed greens and dressing, and the Babylonians were known to have dressed greens with oil and vinegar two thousand years ago.
Posted by: cosmetics for men | 28 April 2010 at 04:32 PM
I actually agree with you on the zip ties for ease of use. But, surprisingly, many people don't have them lying around the house, so I wanted to use something most people would already have. For the record, zip ties are available at hardware stores and home improvement centers, and are infinitely useful things to have around.
Posted by: Impotence causes | 01 October 2010 at 01:54 AM