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    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Coquette.
    I have been reading & enjoying your blog for a while but have never commented.
    Anyway, I just wanted to say that this is a gorgeous photo and a beautiful post.
    All the best!

    Wonderful photo, beautiful memories, gorgeous day! Happy Happy Birthday! :D

    Happy Birthday, Coquette...
    hope this year brings you all the best!

    I love how the photo is balanced out with a fiery red head at each end. :)

    Sounds like a great way to have spent your childhood summers.

    Mon dieu quel beau photo!!!

    Joyeux anniversaire mon cher.Espoir vous avez eu une bonne journée.Les serviettes de tissu sont des déchets,je les déteste.
    All the best.

    wow this is fabulous. this is the childhood i always wanted and the reason i would ever have children. so glad that you shared it, i really adore your blog anway its incredibly sharp. after reading that urban outfitters intervention i was hooked. and your an adorable redhead! i always wanted red hair. alas, theres nothing for it but for me to kill you and take your life. obviously.

    Happy birthday!

    There is nothing like life on a farm. Your post makes me miss the summers I used to spend on my grandfather's farm in Alabama with all of my cousins.

    happy happy birthday!

    More happy birthday! Your list seems to date your childhood stays from some far remoter past.

    Happy birthday!

    Cherry picking. I'm jealous.

    Lol ! that is so... truthful ?

    Happy Birthday!

    Nous te souhaitons encore un joyeux anniversaire, nous sommes vraiment contente que tu sois ici, et que toute la famille soit entièrement réunies. J'espere que ta soirée d'anniversaire à la ferme t'a plu, le gateau était vraiment délicieux :-))
    Un grand bonjour à Katia et Aimee que j ai été ravie de rencontrer...
    Louise et Jeanne

    Joyeux anniversaire Coquette! The farm sounds like the PERFECT way to spend it too, but tell me, WHAT SHOES were you wearing when you climbed up that ladder?

    If you say 'gold heels' I think I might just die.

    Happy Birthday Coquette!

    Ma petite coquette,
    Mom and I wish we could have been there for your 25th BD. Merci bcp for the list of your wonderful childhood memories. You did not mention one that was a staple, "le jeu du foulard". Maybe I remember it better than you because I had so much fun with it myself.

    wow, sounds great..happy bday and may all ur dreams come true

    Joyeux anniversaire Co!!

    What beautiful memories...and what a lovely way to celebrate the first quarter century of what will surely be a remarkable life...

    happy birthday
    Bon Anniversaire!
    I have been reading ur blog for a while
    but never commented , so I just wish you a happy birthday
    and to win a webby award for this blog thats awsome!

    happy birthday!

    I love the photo - you haven't changed much at all!

    I'm intrigued to know what language you spoke when you stayed there as a child?

    Petite--there was mucho gesticulation among the cousins. And too much English--they start learning so much earlier over here. I was, what, in eighth grade when I began with "French 1"?

    Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes! I'll stop talking about my birthday now. (It was really nice on the farm btw, they got me the most magnificent cake...) Okay, starting NOW.

    Vintage Coquette! I love it!

    un kilometre a pied, ca use ca use...
    un kilometre a pied, ca use les souliers!!!

    funny because my father's french, I live in Japan, and when we go walking by the countryside we can't stop singing that song!!!

    Your blog is great! I really mean that. I feel like I am having a conversation with one of my friends. You have agreat writing style. I especially love this little blog - happy birthday and salut to sweet memories.

    Nice website!

    Great job you are in the right way !

    Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.

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