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    Happy Birthday (again) Mlle Coquette!! So glad it was so memorable.

    And, had to laugh at the "I'm not a priss, I'm French"--- that be a t-shirt, non?

    Gros bisous.

    That Chicago "rooftop weather," no matter how sunny and deceptively warm, is usually accompanied by a cold, constant 20 mile an hour wind. It chills to the bone. You have my sympathy on that.

    And how about the cake! It does look pretty authentic. Kudos to Stefanie for coming to the rescue. If you had them put "La Coquette" on there, you wouldn't have had to eat your name. ;)

    Happy Birthday!

    DDJ, where I come from, my friends always said it was good luck to smear your name on the cake. It's also just ridiculously satisfying, touching icing. I love how those Publix's cakes have super stiff icing--more like you're *denting* your name than smearing it. Anyway, Caro and Sophie decided to smear, too.

    Aimee (who's also american) and I noted that the cake part was pretty close, but the icing was lacking that feel-the-grains-of-sugar-between-your-teeth quality.

    Happy birthday Coquette! The box looks pretty, but what did the cake look like? I assume no pics were taken before you gobbled it all up...

    I totally agree with you on being cold sensitive. But my family's from Russia; what's my excuse?

    Bon anniversaire!

    Lady Amalthea, click on the link that says "American Cake" for the highly glamorous picture-of-cake-with-ashtray. Please remember, it was supposed to be a pre-party by the Seine. My little table was a bit...crowded.

    Glad you had a fun birthday. But I think there were too many candles on that cake, judging by your legs.

    "A woman is only as old as her knees"

    i second the leps. nice stems, coquette.

    Favela chic. Merde. Too many drinks had there. Happy birthday - I'm glad you found a cake!

    Had a great time and yes, the cake was a good stand in but lacked that grainey frosting feel. Do you think there is a market for selling sheet cakes in Paris? The thought of the sweetness of the frosting on a sheet cake and it's giving me chills. Good or bad... I won't tell. ;)

    BTW, I must confess that I did see the sepctator shoes IN PERSON and they are, indeed, fab. FAB!

    Hi Jeanne! *waves*

    I am in TOTAL agreement about the fabulousness of those shoes.
    It was a delight to meet Jeanne too - to finally put a face to the name!


    Ps: I agree about the frosting not being quite sweet enough...hélas.

    and what did the Frenchies think of the cake?

    Stefanie, they liked it! (Thank god their palettes had been numbed by wine at that point) :)

    Asian, I was pissed to see that the candles only came in packs of 24, so we were a candle short for me and Sophie, and two candles short for Caro, but hey, never too early to start shaving a year or two off, right?

    Publix most certainly has the best cakes ever. Nothing like crisco icing!

    And I would assume that your distaste of the cold comes from growing up in Florida. I know that's how I got mine.

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday from Chicago, Coquette! Just so you know, it was 80 degrees here on Sunday from Mother's day, but it's 40 today..Chicago could be a capricious French woman as well! Anyway, happy B-day from your Second City.

    We share a birthday!

    Happy Birthday! I am so glad it was lovely!

    Happy Birthday Coquette. Glad you had a fun night out. The cake looks great... just like home... even if it didn't taste quite that way.

    Belated Happy Birthday!!

    Hello, coquette !

    a late piece of news (still useful for next year, or another american birthday, who knows?) .
    american birthday cakes make me think of the altman's movie that takes place in LA (Short cuts), there's a whole story about a bakery making personnalized birthday cake.
    Anyway, I found, surprisingly, that in Carrefour supermarkets, they have cakes quite close to what you long for. It's mainly chocolate cakes decorated with Omer and Bart Simpson's figures or disney toons. Quite funny for us, french people, since we are more used to Lenôtre or Ladurée. I guess french kids, seeing so many american movies, became addicted !!!

    Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a great time, especially with that yummy looking cake. (and congrats on the fabulous shoe find!)

    Hi, I just finished reading your Blog in the San Diego Reader section called Blog World. And all I can say is Wow! I really liked it. I will read the rest of your site in the next few days. Your observations about your "foreign Boobies" were right on. I have been an expatriot several times over the years and found a lot of my own experiences in your writing. Feel free to contact me any time.

    My very best, Nels

    I like to the town.I live in a crowded town.This park is (the safest) park in our town.Born in this beautiful town, he hates to leave it.

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