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    « A Fashion Show Timeline | Main | Things I need to do in the next fourteen hours: »


    ugh neither could i
    good luck hun
    *sending you miraculously standout outfit of the year to wear*
    now at least in your head you'll be the bell of the ball, or show
    mentally you'll outshine the models
    so you'll have nothing to worry about

    What you can wear if you want everyone to -know- you're popular...

    whoa! Say hello to Gwyneth, since she's such a big supporter of Stella - I am having so much fun living vicariously through your blog!!

    Oh goody. Maybe you will be sitting next to me. I will be the one wearing white Keds, stirrup pants a Burberry headband and pearls. I figured you couldn't look less appropriate than that.


    Oh wow! How very cool! Just promise me you won't wear keds, like Jason. What *are* you going to wear? I'm kind of freaking out for you here...

    5 shows! Yikes!

    Just need confidence! Go girl!

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