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    ooh you show-stealer!

    meant in the nicest of ways, naturally.

    What a great picture.

    oh zat ees sech a preety picture, non? What a darling bebe and her handsome papa!

    Errr... don't take this badly, but I thought that was John Kerry holding the baby.

    I mean, I know he's a francophile, and a politician (partial to kissing bab(i)es, iow), but still, that shook me up.

    All that said, your dad is very handsome!

    Very cute picture. Looks like you were yawning through all the attention.

    I just saw the Bloggies site (finally) by the way and am very pleased to see you up for best European weblog! Wow!

    WOW IS RIGHT. Massive state of shock. Am dumbfounded. Totally rendered dumb.

    Congratulations for the nomination.

    Good luck

    Oh, I hadn't heard, Congrats!

    I can't ever semm to get to the site to vote, but I'm rooting for you in the meantime!

    Thanks karramarro and Mathieu!

    Mathieu, GOOD CALL, on the John Kerry thing--my Dad gets that all the time!

    Ew!! I've never heard anyone say that about Dad! What do you mean he gets it all the time??

    And where did you find this pic?! Too funny! You're such a baby dinosaur. You know the one--from Jurrasic Park. Ee! Eee! E!

    So sweet that the paper showed up just in time for Father's Day. I was born June 19th, 1988 -- right on father's day! :)

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