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    Clearly, your coolness doesn't fall far from the tree!

    I agree. You look uber cool.

    Your dad was very hip for 1983! Obviously coolness is genetic. ;)

    WAY cute you!

    Adorable picture! I was just looking at Izod shirts at Galeries Lafayette. They are still cool.

    Adorable! With French pronunciation, bien sur--- Ah-DO-RAH-bleh!

    Digging the shirt your dad is wearing... never will go out of style.

    Hip French dad. I love it. My father is neither hip nor French (but I still love him).

    I'm enjoying your site immensely. And I definitely don't hate you for living in Paris, but I will live my fantasy expat life vicariously through you if you don't mind.

    I have the same shirt...curious...

    I wonder if Papa Fourmont knew back then that his petite Coquette would someday be buying a very similar shirt on Ebay...

    What a fabulous picture!

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