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    Oh how I don't miss the gymnase club (now rebranded as Club Med Gym) which sadly I can no longer be a member of as I'm a working mum with a partner who works long hours.

    I spent more time waiting for the cross trainers than working out on them (why oh why did they have 3 of those, the most popular machine and ten horrible running on the spot contraptions?).

    What I really hated was the film of condensed slimy sweat all over the damn thing when someone got off...Ew.

    Perhaps I must be desperate when even the thought of a dirty tissue in a cupholder makes me miss my old gym. It was just a one room deal with lots of very large men, but we all got along so well.

    PS: I liked your blog so now I link to you. Hope that's good news!

    Thanks for the props, Willful Expose!

    Oh, I know that look... and I get strange looks when I clean machines before and after I use them. This one man actaully asked me to hurry up when I was wiping down the machine so tha he could use it. Ew.

    It's quite interesting. I will look around for more such your post.Thanks and please post our web:

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