Have this conversation with me as we set up our next meeting to work on your English:
Me: So we’ll touch base tomorrow.
Guillaume: Ehhh, touch base?
Me: We’ll talk tomorrow.
Guillaume: Hokay, I call you to confirm.
Me: THAT is touching base.
Guillaume: Okay, I will touching base tomorrow!
Chris and I are going to visit friends in Cleveland in a few weeks. We talked last night:
A- I'd really love to see a game while we're there....what's that team?
C- The Browns?.
A- Oh yes.
C- We should. That'd be great.
A- Yeah.
C- Diana has a box.
A- Mhmn. (giggle giggle)
Somethings just don't get old. Lord knows I don't.
Posted by: Aimee | 13 November 2004 at 02:25 AM
Hum...I don't know what "to touch base" means yet...
Posted by: Guigui | 04 March 2005 at 11:38 PM